Here to Help You!

We hope you will find our website and YouTube channel an encouragement and a blessing. No matter who you are, or what your story is, we are here to help you!

Special events April - June 2024

Tuesday 30th April at 6:45pm
Ladies Fellowship evening at Killymoon Castle
Thursday 16th May at 8:00pm
Stephen and Linda Park (UFM)
Friday 24th May at 7:30pm
Retirement service for Rev. & Mrs Patterson. Speaker: Dr. Alan Robinson (USA). More details to follow.
Sunday 24th June at 11:30 & 7:00pm
Childrens' and Youth services. Speaking (AM) Mrs. Yvone Aiken (PM) Pastor Paul Johnson
Saturday 29th June 3pm - 5pm
Annual Barbecue and Fun evening at Drummanor Forest Park, Cookstown.

Contact Rev. Patterson: